Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some Tumor Growth but not Aggressive

We saw the oncologist today. The MRI showed some tumor growth but not aggressive growth. We thank God.

Starting tomorrow, David will be adding infusion chemo as part of his treatment to go along with the Temodar oral chemo. He will go every two weeks for an infusion of Avastin. These are the normal protocols for glioblastoma multiforme brain tumors.

We are thankful for every day. God's mercy and grace to us humbles us. He is teaching us in new ways about what it means to trust Him for every moment of every day.

Thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf.

Love to you all,


Terry and Julie said...

Pam thanks much for the update! We are praying for David and all of you for that matter.

babyarnie said...

Praying, Praying, Praying. Rejoicing it isn't aggressive.
Love to you both.

Martha & Mike

joaniebetts said...

thank you for keeping us updated so we know how to continue praying. love to you all, i can't believe your little girls used to babysit for my little zachary, how times flies